KingdomTime Ministries, founded by Paul Gamaliel & Loretta Williams is based in Ridgeland, MS., however, our arms of partnership reach far beyond our immediate borders.
As we are an itinerant ministry we have been blessed to support ministries in Kenya, India, continents, & countries worldwide continually both directly and through other partnerships. So many outside of the U.S. are not only physically hungry but have been found to be spiritually hungry for the Word of God. We among those called to meet these needs and gladly submit our resources to this call.
Matthew 24:14 states: "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." KTM walks the paths of which we are directed and the GLORY of GOD prevails as we teach, sow financial seed and love whereever we travel.