5 Things We Are Not!
5 Things We Are Not!
Grace to you Kingdom Citizens and peace be unto you. Greetings from the Lord Jesus, our King, who has so richly blessed us freely with all things to enjoy! It is so good to be in a country where we are free to worship God, the Father, by way of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Last month we looked into facts about who we are in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son, and how not to forget all of His benefits as we march along in this life doing the will of the king. I would be remiss not to mention some of the things we are not. In the midst of the storms in life there are some vital things we should know that we are not to be. I am talking about the attitudes that we are not supposed to have. Christ gave us the beatitudes that we are suppose to have in Matthew 5. You know; blessed are the meek and such right?
Well, while you are behaving as the King told you, here are some things to not be as you use your courage to enter into and enjoy your inheritance, which is the Kingdom of God. So many people read the bible and never come up with what the bible is about. Therefore, never teaching what it is about leaves the purpose of the bible to whosoever to interpret and inevitably leading to abuse of the Word. The word ‘bible’ means a collection of books so there is nothing to suggest what the book collection is about.
Once you know what the bible is about you will understand Jesus and His mission to the world. The reason I bring this up now is because in order to put your faith on a matter you must know the will of God. His purpose for the bible is important so that you will activate your faith toward the goals of the king. It is improbable that the God of all the universe would leave a book to those He desires to obey Him, for our own good, and yet at the same time make the book impossible to understand. This is why I teach the kingdom of God, because it reveals so much to the church for its vitality. Yet in this country where kingdom government is not taught there is very little to glean from Jesus when He speaks of the kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of God.
The bible is about a King wanting to expand His territory by His children so that what goes on in His kingdom can be shared and enjoyed wherever His form of governing is obeyed. God being the King of the earth sent his Son to the earth so that His kingdom can dominate any government of the world. As money is the currency that makes the world go round, faith is the currency that makes the spirit-world go round. Jesus preached and taught the kingdom of God and told His disciples to do the same so that the government of the kingdom can be appropriated by all who believed.
That said, as Jesus told us, “Blessed be the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” There are some attitudes that we should not have as we are believing God to show up strong on our behalf. When you recognize that you are spiritually deprived because of so many things going wrong in your life you will soon learn to call on God because you know that He is the only one who is capable of fixing anything. The government that you live in is bogged down with red tape and can’t respond quickly to anything you vitally need. In between the time you ask God to be involved and the time you see the answer you will go through a battery of tests to prove your faith. Paul mentioned some things that might be plaguing you but he also prescribed an attitude for those moments, and I call them “Things You Are Not.”
“We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;” 2 Cor. 4:8-9
You may be troubled on every side, but You Are Not in distress!
Because of who you are in Christ Jesus you may be experiencing anguish all around you but because the living Word is on your lips and in your heart it is like Jesus is with you in the room saying “I got this.” The peace of God garrisons around your heart telling you His angels are all around you so you simply declare the protection they provide and that the wisdom of God is at your disposal keeping you calm and quiet from within. Others will not understand the grace you walk in at that moment. They believe you should be in panic mode. They believe you are a fool to stand there and trust God. “Can’t you see the storm? Can’t you see the waves? What’s wrong with you? You must have done something wrong!” they say.
No, you didn’t do anything wrong. You are standing on the living Word of the King whose Word is law! There is nothing better and if you were smarter than Christ wouldn’t you have demonstrated it by now? You are confident and your knower knows!
You may be perplexed confounded and confused, but You Are Not in despair!
You are in Christ Jesus and that means you are in the kingdom of His dear Son. You have been translated into the covenants of promise and you are not without hope or God in this world. You have unlimited access into the knowledge and council of the Most High God and in fact you are family. The blood of your joint heir and counselor floods the very presence you’re standing in. Your enemy is shouting complex variables at you but you panic not for your father knows where you are and has already made a way of escape, so you rest in that. You can hear the Father tell you that it may not be comfortable but I have you right where I want you so that you can meet this person or see that situation differently so that the others who are watching you can see the example of trusting God. They heard you speak the Word you are standing on and they can tell by the way the circumstances are changing in your favor that God is watching over His Word to perform it! Can you be comfortable with God’s just In time? Yes you can because even if God has not done it for anyone else he will do it with you if your faith is in the God of the blessing and not the blessing itself. You know that you were the example God wanted to use at that moment in time.
You may be persecuted and oppressed, but You Are Not forsaken!
You are in Christ and you have accessed all that God is. You have command of The Living Word on your lips. You simply call to God's remembrance what He said. You have kept His Word and you have claimed your citizenship which is better than membership. You have claimed His kingdom as your home country so now you behave with confidence that God has never lost sight of you. You rest. You gave up ownership long ago because the King owns everything and He can take whatever from whomever and give it to you. A new ‘it’ in fact. A better ‘it’ and paid in full! The enemy becomes frustrated with your anointed demeanor and leaves you alone for a while……...don’t concern yourself though……..he’ll be back and you are more than ready. In fact you are more than a conqueror.
You may be cast down or dismayed, but You Are Not destroyed!
Things may not look like they are going to work out for you this time but you are In Christ Jesus and you are not moved by what you see for you are commanded to walk by faith and not by sight. That is a command not a suggestion. In fact you are designed to live by faith. Your access to the kingdom depends on it. You are born of incorruptible seed. Your progenitor is God Himself and He has given you His Word, His Name, His Blood and His Spirit! What lack ye yet? You have that treasure in earthen vessels and you know it. The armour you are dressed in is scary to the enemy. He doesn’t know who's behind that armor. Your helmet of salvation makes you instantly in the Kingdom of God's dear son. That breastplate of righteousness lets you know that you are made complete in Him with nothing missing and no parts needed. Just wield the power, energy, ability, and authority He has blessed you with. It is impossible to destroy the ancient of Days in you. Grace and peace has been multiplied in you through the hearing of the Word you have spoken with your mouth and now those who hear you are changed through your faith. They are are now speaking the Word of His grace which is now building them up and giving them their inheritance among all them who are sanctified indeed!
You may be living in the flesh but It is NOT you!
Read and listen to this in your spirit:
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Gal 2:20 (KJV)
You see it is no longer you that lives, but it is The Christ, the living anointed King, living in you through His mighty Words on your lips and heart. No it is no longer you but Him in you. The life you are now living is being carried out by the impartation of the Word and its ability to live in you my friend. To the same measure you give to it will be the measure returned back to you so there are no limits except the ones you put on yourself. Yes we talked about what you are not but believe and know that through the testing of your faith it is all working together for your good because you love God and are the called according to His purpose. So what do you do with that kingdom citizens? Flow.
“I will worship toward Your holy temple and praise Your name for Your loving-kindness and for Your truth and faithfulness; for You have exalted above all else Your name and Your word and You have magnified Your word above all Your name!” Ps. 138:2 (Amp) Classic
I trust that this Word of the kingdom message has been a blessing to you. Pass it forward to increase your harvest of hope and expand the kingdom territory. Loretta and I love you and thank God for your praise reports and seeds of faith-giving into this ministry. If your Holy Spirit has spoken to you about partnering with this ministry, simply visit Kingdomtimeministries.org, click on the Become a Partner tab and follow the prompts. This is a way to make money work for the king and for you!
Be blessed!