And this good news of the kingdom (the Gospel) will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then will come the end.
Matthew 24:14 (AMP)

He commissioned them to preach the news of God’s kingdom and heal the sick. Luke 9:2 - The Message Bible
He commissioned them to preach the news of God’s kingdom and heal the sick. Luke 9:2 - The Message Bible

Paul Gamaliel Williams, Teacher
Greetings Believers!
Paul Gamaliel Williams, Teacher
Greetings Believers!
Paul and Loretta Williams walk in faith daily and founded Kingdom Time Ministries (KTM) to help all those who want the Jesus that they read about in the Word of God to be evident in their daily walk of faith. We have also been charged to take this gospel of the kingdom to the world as a witness to every nation and then the end will come!
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Kingdom Time Ministries: The Vision
Kingdom Time Ministries: The Vision
Our vision and assignment from the Lord is:
to Build, Restore, Empower and Deploy men and women of faith....
-to equip these men and women to take the Kingdom of God into Government, Education, Media, Arts and Entertainment, Religion, Family and Business.
-to rise up in the ranks and subdue these systems to their knees, through prayer, and by becoming the decision makers and policy changers.
By understanding the Kingdom of God and how it works you too can experience a simple hands-on walk with God and experience victory!
By understanding the Kingdom of God and how it works you too can experience a simple hands-on walk with God and experience victory!
Kingdom Time Ministries gives honor to God by taking the Light of God's Word and delivering it to the World by any media necessary. This ministry embraces a kingdom of God approach with a simplicity of expression and depth of thought. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith! This ministry presents this faith in an applicable way so that all who hear can understand it and keep the devil (satan, the enemy) from stealing the Word that is sown in their heart.
Kingdom Time Ministries is committed to teaching the uncompromising Word of God with power and authority that is exciting but with the assurance of the Holy Ghost, our governor of The Kingdom.